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Fabulous Feijoa Recipe

Orange and Caramelised Feijoa Crumble Cake


Orange Base: • 185 g butter • 185 g caster sugar • 3 x 60 g eggs • 185 g self-raising flour • finely-grated zest of 1 x large orange

Caramelised feijoas: • 900 g feijoas • 150g sugar • 75 ml water

Crumble Topping: • 80g butter • 130 g plain flour • 2 tbsp raw sugar • 2 tbsp desiccated coconut • 1 tsp cinnamon


First Prepare the base. Cream the butter and sugar and then blend in the eggs, one at a time. Add the flour and orange zest. Spread batter over the base of a well-buttered 22cm spring form tin forming a small rim around the edge so that the Feijoa topping will not escape down the sides when added later.

Prepare the Feijoas. Peel the fruit and cut into pieces no longer than a walnut. Put them in a rather flat, wide, stainless steel pan with the sugar and water and stew, covered, for about 10 Minutes. (While this is happening prepare the crumble topping by combining the ingredients in a processor.) After 10 Minutes, remove lid from Feijoas, and continue to stir the Feijoas over a moderate to low heat so that the syrup caramelises. Watch carefully as it will burn easily. What you need to end up with is a pan of shiny, Caramel coated pieces of fruit and no excess liquid.

Spoon the still warm Feijoas (if you let them cool they will turn to hard toffee) over the cake batter and sprinkle the crumble mix evenly over the top. Bake at 190°C for about 50 minutes or until the top is golden and feels firm to the touch. Leave to cool slightly before removing from the tin. Serve still slightly warm with whipped cream.

— Reproduced with permission from The Feijoa Recipe book by Wyn Drabble. Available online from www.feijoa.co.nz

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