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Still the Same Service! (Albeit Delivered Differently)

with Bakers Shoes & More

This time last year Bakers Shoes in Waiuku had like many in New Zealand and around the globe dealt with the first 6 months dealing with a global pandemic. National and regional lockdowns were forcing businesses to close their doors to physical customer interactions and amp up their online presence in order to survive.

“COVID-19 has slammed us with a whole new way of living to which businesses have had to adapt to compete with the bigger players both locally and globally who had systems already in place. Customers still want to buy products, but in a different way. We have really had 13 weeks at either LEVEL 3 or 4 which means no customers in our shop and that equates to a huge loss of revenue. Making sure our valued customers can still shop with us and get that same guarantee of service and great value is something we have put a lot of effort into this past year.”

As the promise of a reduction in levels and increased freedoms looms, local businesses will again be looking for the same support from their communities that happened after last year’s Level 4 and 3 lockdowns. The economy held strong and experienced a real boost when people were once again visiting their local outlets. Something Fiona remembers fondly.

“Last year when we dropped levels and could once again welcome people instore, we were really well supported by our regulars and locals and gained some confidence that business would get back to normal. We are hoping for the same this time."

Over the last month Fiona has spent many hours poring over catalogues, watching videos and attending zoom calls choosing the next Winter’s ranges as the Auckland Shoe Expo had to be cancelled. Although it is not the same as choosing styles “in the flesh”, Fiona’s long experience in the industry means she has the knack for picking styles and colours that will appeal to her valued clientele.

“As you can imagine not attending shows in person is not quite the same as actually seeing, touching and trying on samples, questions like will it be comfortable? is the colour right; does it fit well? Are all more challenging to answer. But, all retailers will all be in the same boat and I have full confidence in the guidance from my suppliers, some of whom I have dealt with for nearly 30 years"

She is looking forward to this spring/summer and is excited about what promises to be a gorgeous range. The ladies sandals' colour palette alone is immense, ranging from white, beige, metallics and blush all the way through to brights - orange, red, mustards and teal. Fiona stocks in excess of over 30 different and well known quality brands – a huge choice for a wide spectrum of customers.

"There truly will be something for everyone! Our men's and children's ranges have also been extended due to demand and we have a full range of sizes for people to choose from"

The team at Baker's Shoes & More can't wait to see all their regulars again and look forward to meeting new clients too. Anyone in the market for a quality pair of shoes should head on down to the store in Level 2 or visit their website. www.bakershoes.co.nz to explore and choose from their great range of shoes, slippers and accessories.

As a special lockdown reopening of the doors, Fiona is offering the chance to enter a great competition so head down today!

“As a celebration of reopening the doors Baker's Shoes & More we have their own Skechers promotion – Buy a pair of Skechers and enter our draw to win a pair to same value!"

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