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Free Speech Space with MJ

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Robert Wilson,

Born in Timaru, my farming parents moved to Mimihau near Wyndham in Eastern Southland when I was five years of age. Finishing my Schooling at Menzies College in Wyndham, I initially worked on farms before taking up shearing along with my own run for 10 years, working both here and in Western Australia. Due to back problems I was forced to give up the handpiece and 23 years ago set up ‘Wild Animal Management Limited’ a contract hunting and pest control business within which we also have a venison recovery operation, hunting and recovering wild venison from around the South Island with a helicopter. I also manage a farm near Mossburn in Northern Southland.

Hunting, shooting, dirtbikes and some fishing are my favourite recreational past times and I also have a strong interest in geo politics, economics and law.

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elocal Digital Edition – June 2023 (#266)

elocal Digital Edition
June 2023 (#266)

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