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Fluoride Harms Us, The Govt Funds It

Penny Marie (Pendulum) with Kane Titchener, Fluoride Free NZ

For 11 years, Kane Titchener has been advocating for the government to accept the scientific data claiming fluoride is harmful. His journey started by going to a meeting, seeing the science and deciding that someone’s got to do something about this issue. And so, he did. Kane is a lighthouse for us all, when we see something that stirs us to the point of action… don’t wait for someone to do it… go and do it yourself.

“When people can up their confidence and investigate issues, they can make a huge difference to society. I encourage you to throw yourself into these issues.” - Kane Titchener

Kane has seen a shift in awareness about the fluoride issue over recent years, particularly since 2020 when many more people have started to question government policy and actions. Particularly regarding health and the environment - and decisions parliament and their directors makes for us, without referendum or consent. Without asking the people at all.

NZ’s fluoride level is causing harm

In 2012 a landmark study came out of Harvard which showed a 7 IQ point reduction across an analysis of 27 predominantly Chinese studies. Since then there has been an exponential growth in quality research on the topic. In 2017 the Bashash study that showed a 5 IQ point reduction in boys who were exposed to Fluoride at 0.7ppm (parts per million).

In NZ where fluoridation is in town water supply, the levels are between 0.7-1.0ppm. There are 67 councils in NZ and 22 are currently fluoridating their water - New Plymouth being the latest, which commenced in July 2023. Dr Bloomfield’s parting gift to the people of NZ “Why would the Government do this? They are fully aware that fluoride is lowering children’s IQ, and they are deliberately adding it to shared water supply.” - Kane Titchener

Dr Ashley Bloomfield ordered 14 councils throughout New Zealand to put fluoride into their shared water supply. One man’s decision, based on flawed research. A man who is no longer even in the role of General Director of Health…. Why? Certainly it wasn’t for our wellbeing. Why, indeed? General consensus is that he did this, with full knowledge about harm caused by fluoride. Important to note too that Dr Bloomfield was not an elected member of parliament. He was the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Health and was appointed by Labour as Director-General of Health. “A report from council 3 Waters manager Matt Bayliss says historically in New Zealand, there has been no legal requirement to add fluoride to a community water supply. The decision regarding this has been left to the discretion of drinking-water suppliers (ie local authorities).

“However, on November 9, 2021, the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 was passed, which describes powers and duties of the Director-General of Health in relation to making directions for or against water fluoridation, and duties of water suppliers (including local authorities) in relation to implementing Director-General directives about fluoridation. ‘’Essentially the Act moved the decision-making authority on community water fluoridation from local authorities to the Director-General of Health,’’ the report says.” — Stuff

Rubbing our noses in it… the directive is that councils MUST comply. And if they do not they will be required to pay millions. AND, ratepayers will foot the bill for having fluoride in their water.

Not only are there ample quality international studies proving that Fluoride is neurotoxic, lowers children’s IQ, and causes health issues… the rollout of fluoride that ‘we the people’ didn’t want and didn’t get a say in… is then expected to be funded by ratepayers.

Democracy replaced by totalitarianism The actions of Dr Bloomfield, and the railroading of councils and community boards, clearly shows that we no longer live in a democracy. We no longer have people in parliament or councils who are ‘public servants’ - that is, in service to the people. We are living in a totalitarianism state, and it’s happened while we were looking the other way, or too busy to notice.

In the lead-up to this most important of elections… if you care about the intellect of the children of New Zealand, and the long term health of us all… get along to candidate meetings, political party meetings and ask questions about fluoride. The politicians aren’t going to make this an election issue, it’s up to us to make it one.

No one is coming to save us If you care about this or any topic, it’s time to stand up and speak out. You don’t have to do it alone. Find like-minded friends in your community. Contact Fluoride Free, offer to help in your community, attend your local council meeting and speak up for your rights.

Find out more: https://fluoridefree.org.nz/national-toxicology-program-review/ https://fluoridefree.org.nz/ FFNZ on YouTube FFNZ on Telegram www.fluoridealert.org

“When people can up their confidence and investigate issues, they can make a huge difference to society. I encourage you to throw yourself into these issues.” - Kane Titchener

“Why would the Government do this? They are fully aware that fluoride is lowering children’s IQ, and they are deliberately adding it to shared water supply.” - Kane Titchener

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