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Wendy’s Mission To Inform Churches About Gender Ideology

By: Penny - Pendulum on Voice Media

Let Kids Be Kids’ growing network reaches the Christian community

“Children are the living messages we send, to a time we will not see.” - Neil Postman

As we are awakening to the dark depth of the situation with the political gender ideology upon our children and teens, more of us are putting everything we can into helping raise awareness and support those in our community who are in positions of influence.

A significant community is Christian churches and schools. Wendy is committed to sharing the truth to the church, and assisting them to stand strong.

“We are the town criers and information sharers - the information then sits with the receivers’ conscience”. Penny Marie

Topics covered in this chat

• Teaching creativity and the arts • Homeschooling and do they get the RSE curriculum? • Helping church leaders to understand the RSE political agenda • Informing Christian school staff and providing support • Acknowledging the challenges of addressing our apathy and silence, and speaking up now • Finding our voices and joining our speaker network (and wider network).

“Be strong, get your backbone, get the urgency of what this is. Don’t be afraid to speak up, to approach a pastor - there is change in how church leaders are thinking… which would not be happening if we are not speaking out.” - Wendy Fowler

Bob McCoskrie from Family First has been working with church leaders for many years and the LKBK team regard him as a hero.

Please share if you find this helpful This video is a helpful tool to share with church leaders and the Christian community (or others). Share this video from all our social media platforms - listed on www.letkidsbekids.nz and https://linktr.ee/letkidsbekids Who is Let Kids Be Kids In May 2023 a brave mum, Penny Marie, spoke to her son’s school Board of Trustees of her concern about the MOE’s Relationship & Sexuality Guidelines (RSE) and the MOH’s vaccine narrative being pushed in schools. The video of her speech was seen by tens of thousands, and many people reached out to her, with the same concerns.

Let Kids Be Kids was formed from these connections. We are an evolving nationwide network of parents and grandparents who are finding their voices and supporting each other.

We’re All In This Together The intention of Let Kids Be Kids is to protect our children’s minds bodies and spirits, raise awareness and empower parents and caregivers.

We invite you to join us on social media, share our content and have brave conversations with others. We’re all in this together.

The intention of Let Kids Be Kids is to protect our children’s minds bodies and spirits, raise awareness and empower parents and caregivers.

A significant community is Christian churches and schools. Wendy is committed to sharing the truth to the church, and assisting them to stand strong.

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