Bruce is married with two teenagers and has lived in Pukekohe for the last 18 years. Growing up in Taranaki with two older brothers; his father was a mechanic, mother a part-time cleaner at the local school. He Completed an Electrical apprenticeship upon leaving school, then later moved to Auckland.
Bruce has a philosophy of self-reliance, personal freedom, and believes in the rights of the individual to make their own choices. He believes it is important to focus on core and essential services for the Pukekohe area as a one size fits all approach will not work.
“Pukekohe’s uniqueness needs to be supported and plans made to support that. We have had a difficult two years and need to keep rates at a manageable level plus keep spending under control as we look to the future. Pukekohe has seen and will continue to see massive growth and there is clearly a need to address issues that accompany that. These need to be addressed by local input.”
Bruce believes that well kept and clean parks and community services are vital to maintain community morale and well being and that it must be a priority for council. Likewise, action on transport, infrastructure and reducing regulation for the unique set of people that Pukekohe is home to.
“The Three Waters project the Government is attempting to push through is not a good idea in my view. As much of this infrastructure was built through local contribution, we must work to retain these local assets. Were the Government to package and sell these assents as a commercial enterprise at a later date, it means we as a community, would lose any say or control of an essential service.”
make a constructive difference for the betterment of all.
better represent the people and the area we live in.
be a conduit for local people and ideas.