Articles in ‘History’

The Nuremberg Trial and its Legacy

Rangiatea Church, Otaki

Historic Churches (Part IV)

Memories of War

Unearthing Treasures (Part IV)

The Church of the Good Shepherd, Tekapo

Historic Churches (Part III)

Eugene Warwood – RNZAF 37229

We Will Remember Them

Historical Bugle Holds Possible Dunkirk Connection

We Will Remember Them

Forging Ahead: The Wilsons of Patumahoe, Pukekohe and Papakura

Shaping Our Country (Part III)

Christ Church's Visible History

Historic Churches (Part II)

To The Other Side Of The World! The Waikato Immigration Scheme 1864–1865

Shaping Our Country (Part II)

Writing the Waikato War

Shaping Our Country (Part I)

Who’s Got the Sixpence? A Christmas Tradition Handed Down the Generations

Unearthing Treasures (Part III)

Santa Parade History

Kohekohe Church, Awhitu

Historic Churches (Part I)

“Gangsters Stole My Land!”

The Allan Titford Story (Part IV)

The Hundred-Year Journey Home

Diary of WWI soldier Sgt. James Stanton reunited with family

Ye Olde Cannon

Unearthing Treasures (Part II)

“Gangsters Stole My Land!”

The Allan Titford Story (Part III)

Honouring One of the Best-Loved American Presidents

John F. Kennedy

1903 Josef Falk Toy Steam Engine

Unearthing Treasures (Part I)

“Gangsters Stole My Land!”

The Allan Titford Story (Part II)


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