Articles in ‘Current Affairs’

“Language is the first indicator of genocidality.”

Sweeping changes to resource management law underway

The normalising of cult-like behaviour

By: Penny - Pendulum on Voice Media

We Came Here For Freedom!

Free Speech Space with MJ

Join Alistair and Penny with MJ

The Rich, the Marginalised, and the Right to Dissent

Free Speech Space with MJ

Join Shane with MJ

Cause for Curiosity

This article caught our attention recently. An unusual medical event, ‘leaving even the specialist “stumped”’.

What on Earth is co-governance?

An explainer……

Free Speech Space with MJ

Join Richard Pykett & MJ

Fighting Policy For Kiwis

The Corona War... They’re Coming After Our Thoughts

What They Don’t Want You to Know About Lab-Grown Meat


Free Speech Space with MJ

Join Rob Wilson & MJ

When Academic Freedom Is No Longer Free

Censorship of gang’s speech certain to make problem worse, not better

Poppies and Commemorations – a busy month ahead for the RSA

Lady Deborah Chambers, QC: Baby, where did our rights go?

“It’s Not Just My Future I Care About."

The Truth Will Be Told!


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